Valve Knowledge一、閥門結構種類、材質、認證
Valve Design, Materials, and Approvals閥門結構種類
Valve Design Choices
1. 多回轉閥門
1. Multi-Turn
a) 閘閥
a) Gate
b) 截止閥/角-截止閥
b) Globe/Angle-Globe
2. 90o回轉閥門
2. Quarter-Turn
a) 球閥
a) Ball
b) 蝶閥-彈性閥座
b) Butterfly-resilient seated
3. 止回閥(阻止倒流)
3. Check (backflow prevention)
a) 旋啟式
a) Swing
b) 升降式
b) Lift
c) 彈簧驅動式
c) Spring-actuated
4. 連接端口
4. End connections材質
1. 青銅(壓力150 psi下溫度可達287oC;溫度65oC下壓力可達600 psi),通徑范圍:DN8至DN80
1. Bronze (up to 550°F at 150 psi/up to 600 psi at 150°F) 1/4"-3"
2. 鑄鐵(壓力250 psi下溫度可達232oC;溫度37oC下壓力可達500 psi),通徑范圍:DN50至DN600
2. Cast Iron (up to 450°F at 250 psi/up to 500 psi at 100°F) 2"-24"
3. 球墨鑄鐵(壓力125 psi下溫度可達343oC;溫度37oC下壓力可達600 psi),通徑范圍:DN50至DN300
3. Ductile Iron (up to 650°F at 125 psi/up to 600 psi at 100°F) 2"-12"
4. 不銹鋼(壓力125 psi下溫度可達343oC;溫度37oC下壓力可高達2000 psi),通徑范圍:DN8至DN300
4. Stainless Steel (up to 650°F at 125 psi/up to 2000 psi at 100°F) 1/4"-12"認證
1. 美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會(MSS)
1. Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS)
2. 消防安全認證(UL?和FM)
2. Fire protection (UL? and FM)
3. 州立標準和地方標準
3. State and local codes.
Function and service considerations選型
Valves serve the purpose of controlling the fluids in building services piping. Valves areproduced in a variety of design types and materials.
Proper selection is important to ensure the most efficient, cost-effective and long-lastingsystems.功能
Valves are designed to perform four principal functions:
1. 啟動和阻止介質流動
1. Starting and stopping the flow
2. 調節(節流)介質流量
2. Regulating (throttling) the flow
3. 阻止倒流或回流
3. Preventing reversal of the flow
4. 調節或泄放流體壓力
4. Regulating or relieving the pressure of the flow管道系統的主要因素
Service Considerations
1. 壓力
1. Pressure
2. 溫度
2. Temperature
3. 流體介質類型
3. Type of fluid
a) 流體
a) Liquid
b) 氣體:例如,蒸汽或空氣
b) Gas; i.e., steam or air
c) 雜質或研磨劑(侵蝕性物質)含量
c) Dirty or abrasive (erosive)
d) 腐蝕性
d) Corrosive
4. 介質流動
4. Flow
a) 開啟-關閉調節
a) On-off throttling
b) 需要防止倒流或回流
b) Need to prevent flow reversal
c) 關注壓降
c) Concern for pressure drop
d) 流速
d) Velocity
5. 工作環境
5. Operating conditions
a) 冷凝
a) Condensation
b) 工作頻率
b) Frequency of operation
c) 可接近性
c) Accessibility
d) 外形尺寸/所適用的空間
d) Overall size/space available
e) 手動或自動控制
e) Manual or automated control
f) 需要具有無氣泡關閉性能
f) Need for bubble-tight shut-off
End Connectiona) 螺紋連接的多回轉閥門、止回閥和球閥中的連接螺紋多為符合美國國家標準協會ANSI的錐形陰螺紋,通常用于DN65和DN80管道上。
a) Threaded-end multi-turn valves, check valves and ball valves with ANSI female taperthreads are most commonly used with pipe up to 2 1/2” or 3”. b) 焊接連接端口可以將通徑達DN80的青銅多回轉閥門、止回閥和球閥直接連接在銅管上。在焊接過程中,必須要小心謹慎,避免由于溫度過高導致閥門受到損害。
b) Solder-end valves permit directly connecting bronze multi-turn valves, check valves andball valves up to 3” to copper tubing. Care must be taken not to overheat and damage valvesduring the soldering process.
c) 法蘭連接常用于DN50以上的多回轉鑄鐵閥門的安裝上。
c) Flanged-end connections are the most common used design for installation of iron multi-turn valves 2” and larger. d) 平板(對夾)和凸耳閥體主要用于蝶閥和升降式/雙門止回閥上,這種結構的閥門在兩個法蘭之間安裝容易迅速。
d) Wafer and lug body styles are used with butterfly valves and lift/double-door check valvesfor quick, easy installation between two flanges. e) DN50以上的管狀連接端口的球閥、蝶閥和止回閥安裝較迅速。
e) Grooved end ball, butterfly and check valves permit the quickest installation sizes 2”and larger.
BALL VALVES: 這類閥門具有額定150 psi的安全工作壓力,非沖擊冷水壓力可達600 psi,兩件式鑄青銅閥體,聚四氟乙烯閥座,標準流道,分離式壓縮螺母,可調節閥桿填料,防吹出閥桿和鍍鉻黃銅/青銅球體。在需要關注壓降的地方,應采用不縮徑全流道球閥或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接端口應該具有足夠深度的美國國家標準協會ANSI螺紋,或加長焊接端口,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP110標準制造。
Valves shall be rated 150 psi SWP and 600 psi nonshock CWP and will have 2-pc. cast bronzebodies, TFE seats, standard port, separate pack nut with adjustable stem packing, anti-blowoutstems and chrome-plated brass/bronze ball. Where pressure drop is a concern, full-port ballvalves of like construction are to be used. Valve ends shall have full depth ANSI threads orextended solder connections and be manufactured to comply with MSS-SP110.
NOTE: Where piping is insulated, ball valves shall be equipped with 2” extended handles ofnon-thermal conductive material. Also provide a protective sleeve that allows operation of thevalve without breaking the vapor seal or disturbing the insulation. Memory stops, which are fulladjustable after insulation is applied, shall be included.
GATE VALVES: 明桿:這種閥門工作壓力是125磅級和200 psi冷水壓力,明桿,管接頭式閥蓋,實心楔板,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP 80標準制造。閥體,閥蓋和楔板材質符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準青銅。閥桿材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 371標準抗失鋅現象的硅青銅,或B 99低鋅合金,不含石棉的填料,和可鍛或球墨鑄鐵手輪。如果工作壓力比較高,接近150 psi,則應該采用150磅級管接頭閥蓋或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接方式應該是螺紋或焊接。
Rising Stem: Valves shall be Class 125 and 200 psi CWP, rising stem, union bonnet, solidwedge and manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP 80. Body, bonnet and wedge are to be of bronzeASTM B 62. Stems shall be of dezincification-resistant silicon bronze ASTM B 371 or low-zincalloy B 99, non-asbestos packing and malleable or ductile iron handwheel. Where higher operatingpressures approach 150 psi, Class 150 union bonnet valves of like construction will be used.Valve ends may be threaded or solder-type.
暗桿:這種閥門工作壓力是125磅級和200 psi冷水壓力,暗桿,螺紋旋進閥蓋,實心楔板,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP 80標準制造。閥體,閥蓋,外部填料函和楔板材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準的青銅。閥桿材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B371標準的抗失鋅現象的硅青銅或B 99標準的低鋅合金,不含石棉的填料,可鍛或球墨鑄鐵手輪。如果工作壓力比較高,接近150 psi,則應該采用150磅級管接頭閥蓋或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接方式應該是螺紋或焊接。
Non-Rising Stem: Valves shall be Class 125 and 200 psi CWP, nonrising stem, screw-in bonnet,solid wedge and manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP 80. Body, bonnet, external stuffing boxand wedge are to be of bronze ASTM B 62. Stems shall be of dezincification-resistant siliconbronze ASTM B 371 or low-zinc alloy B 99, nonasbestos packing and malleable or ductile ironhandwheel. Where higher operating pressures approach 150 psi, Class 150 union bonnet valves oflike construction will be used. Valve ends may be threaded or solder-type
GLOBE/ANGLE VALVES: 這種閥門工作壓力是125磅級,并按照美國閥門和管件制造標準化協會MSS-SP 80標準制造;閥體和閥蓋材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準的青銅。閥桿材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B371標準的抗失鋅現象的硅青銅或B 99標準的低鋅合金,不含石棉的填料,聚四氟乙烯閥座閥瓣,可鍛或球墨鑄鐵手輪。如果工作壓力比較高,接近150 psi,則應該采用150磅級管接頭閥蓋或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接方式應該是螺紋或焊接。
Valves shall be Class 125 and manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP 80; body and bonnet areto be of bronze ASTM B 62. Stems shall be of dezincification-resistant silicon bronze ASTM B 371or low-zinc alloy B 99, non-asbestos packing,
TFE seat disc and malleable or ductile iron handwheel. Where higher operating pressures approach150 psi, Class 150 union bonnet valves of like construction will be used. Valve ends may bethreaded or solder type.
BUTTERFLY VALVES: 這類閥門應該是凸耳或國際管道標準I.P.S.管狀連接端口閥體,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP67標準制造;通徑DN50~DN300的閥門額定工作壓力是200 psi非沖擊冷水,DN350以上是150 psi。用于保溫隔熱絕緣的閥體具有2英寸的加長管徑,材質是鑄鐵或球墨鑄鐵。蝶板材質是鋁青銅合金,配置三元乙丙橡膠閥座和密封;或三元乙丙橡膠涂層蝶板,配置聚合物涂層閥體。閥桿應該是400系列不銹鋼,不能將閥桿暴露在蝶板緊固件上。通徑DN65至DN150應該配置具有10個位置節流板的操作手柄;通徑DN200以上的蝶閥應該配置齒輪操作機構。凸耳結構和開槽結構蝶閥應該能夠用作隔斷閥,而且不需要下游法蘭也可以在全壓力下用作管道終端。
Valves shall be lug or I.P.S. grooved body style manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP67; 2"- 12" rated at least 200 psi non-shock cold water working pressure, 14" and larger rated at 150psi. Body to have 2" extended neck for insulating and to be cast iron or ductile iron. Valve tohave aluminum bronze alloy disc with EPDM rubber seat and seals; or EPDM rubber encapsulated discwith polymer-coated body. Stem shall be 400 series stainless steel and shall not have exposedstem to disc fasteners. Sizes 2 1/2"-6" shall be lever operated with 10-position throttlingplate; sizes 8" and larger shall have gear operators. Lug-style and grooved style shall becapable for use as isolation valves and recommended by manufacturer or dead-end service at fullpressure without the need for downstream flanges.
GATE, GLOBE/ANGLE VALVES: 這些閥門工作壓力為125磅級,并按照美國閥門與管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP70(閘閥)標準或MSS-SP85(截止閥/角閥)標準制造,法蘭連接,螺栓閥蓋,OS&Y,鑄鐵閥體,青銅閥內件,閥體和閥蓋材質符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM A 126級別B鑄鐵標準,填料和襯墊不含石棉。
Valves to be Class 125 manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP70 (gate) or MSS-SP85(globe/angle), flanged, bolted bonnet, OS&Y, iron body, bronze trimmed, with body and bonnetconforming to ASTM A 126 class B cast iron. Packing and gaskets to be non-asbestos.
CHECK VALVES: 通徑DN65以下的止回閥應該采用Y形旋啟式結構,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP80標準制造,工作壓力125磅級,符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準的青銅閥體,配置聚四氟乙烯閥座閥座閥瓣。如果工作壓力比較高,接近150 psi,則應該采用150磅級管接頭閥蓋或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接方式應該是螺紋或焊接。
2 1/2”and smaller shall be Y-pattern swing-type manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP80,Class 125, bronze ASTM B 62 body with TFE seat disc. Where higher operating pressures approach150 psi, Class 150 valves of like construction shall be used. Valve ends may be threaded orsolder-type.
通徑DN65以上的蝶閥應該采用旋啟式結構,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準協會MSS-SP71標準制造,125磅級,法蘭連接,符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM A 126級別B標準的鑄鐵閥體和青銅閥內件,不含石棉的襯墊。也可以采用平板式結構,配置不銹鋼彈簧,青銅閥瓣,橡膠閥座,符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM A 126級別B標準的鑄鐵閥體,或A 48標準的125磅級或150磅級法蘭。彈簧執行機構止回閥用于管道排放。外置操作手柄和彈簧執行機構的旋啟式止回閥用于污水坑、排污和雨水排泄管道。
2 1/2" and larger shall be swing-type manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP71, Class 125,flanged ASTM A 126 Class B cast iron body with bronze trim, non-asbestos gasket. Or wafer-stylewith stainless steel spring, bronze disc plates, rubber seat, body of cast iron ASTM A 126 ClassB or A 48 for use with Class 125/150 flanges. Spring-actuated valve to be used on pump discharge.Swing check with outside lever and spring to be used on sump, sewage and storm drain lines.
CIRCUIT BALANCING VALVES: 用于室內熱水管道系統的通徑DN15至DN50流量平衡閥應該是美國尼伯科截止閥結構,1710系列。閥門應該配置用于流量平衡和流量測量的整體測試端口。測試端口應該內置止回閥并配置閥蓋。閥門材質應該是抗失鋅現象的黃銅或青銅,壓力-溫度等級為121oC,240 psi。所有流量平衡閥均配置位置指示器讀數,并內置操作位置記憶裝置,用于重復調節和控制。
Circuit Balancing Valves 1/2" to 2" for domestic hot water service shall be NIBCO GlobeStyle, Series 1710. Valve shall have integral metering/test ports for flow balancing and flowmeasurement. Test ports shall have internal check valve and be equipped with caps. Valves shallbe manufactured from dezincification resistant brass or bronze rated 240 psi at 250°F. Allbalancing valves shall have position indication readout and built in memory stop for repeatableregulation and control.
BALL VALVES: 這類閥門的額定安全工作壓力為150 psi,非沖擊冷水工作壓力為600 psi,兩件式鑄青銅閥體,聚四氟乙烯閥座,標準流道,分離式包裝螺母,配置可調節閥桿填料,防吹出閥桿和鍍鉻黃銅/青銅球體。在需要關注壓降的地方,需要采用不縮徑全流道球閥或類似結構的閥門。閥門連接端口應該具有足夠深度的美國國家標準協會ANSI螺紋,或加長焊接端口,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP110標準制造。
Valves shall be rated 150 psi SWP and 600 psi non-shock CWP and will have 2-pc. cast bronzebodies, TFE seats, standard port, separate packnut with adjustable stem packing, anti-blowoutstems and chrome-plated brass/bronze ball. Where pressure drop is a concern, full-port ballvalves of like construction are to be used. Valve ends shall have full depth ANSI threads orextended solder connections and be manufactured to comply with MSS-SP110
NOTE: Where piping is insulated, ball valves shall be equipped with 2" extended handles ofnon-thermal conductive material. Also, provide a protective sleeve that allows operation of thevalve without breaking the vapor seal or disturbing the insulation. Memory stops, which are fullyadjustable after insulation is applied, shall be included.
GATE VALVES: 明桿:這種閥門工作壓力是125磅級,明桿,管接頭式閥蓋,實心楔板,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP 80標準制造。閥體,閥蓋和楔板材質符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準青銅。閥桿材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 371標準抗失鋅現象的硅青銅,或B 99低鋅合金,不含石棉的填料,和可鍛或球墨鑄鐵手輪。
Valves shall be Class 125 rising stem, union bonnet, solid wedge and manufactured inaccordance with MSS-SP80. Body, bonnet and wedge are to be of bronze ASTM B 62. Stems shall be ofdezincification-resistant silicon bronze ASTM B 371 or low-zinc alloy B 99, non-asbestos packingand malleable or ductile iron handwheel. Valve ends may be threaded or solder type.
GLOBE/ANGLE VALVES: 這種閥門工作壓力是125磅級,并按照美國閥門和管件制造標準化協會MSS-SP 80標準制造;閥體和閥蓋材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B 62標準的青銅。閥桿材質是符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM B371標準的抗失鋅現象的硅青銅或B 99標準的低鋅合金,不含石棉的填料,聚四氟乙烯閥座閥瓣,可鍛或球墨鑄鐵手輪。
Valves shall be Class 125 and manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP80, body and bonnet areto be of bronze ASTM B 62. Stems shall be of dezincificationresistant silicon bronze ASTM B 371or low-zinc alloy B 99, non-asbestos packing, TFE seat disc and malleable or ductile ironhandwheel通徑DN65以上的管線控制閥
BUTTERFLY VALVES: 這類閥門應該是凸耳或國際管道標準I.P.S.管狀連接端口閥體,并按照美國閥門和管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP67標準制造;通徑DN50~DN300額定工作壓力是200 psi非沖擊冷水,DN350以上是150 psi。用于保溫隔熱絕緣的閥體具有2英寸的加長管徑,材質是鑄鐵或球墨鑄鐵。蝶板材質是鋁青銅合金,配置三元乙丙橡膠閥座和密封;或三元乙丙橡膠涂層蝶板,配置聚合物涂層閥體。閥桿應該是400系列不銹鋼,不能將閥桿暴露在蝶板緊固件上。通徑DN65至DN150應該配置具有10個位置節流板的操作手柄;通徑DN200以上的蝶閥應該配置齒輪操作機構。凸耳結構和管狀結構蝶閥應該能夠用作隔斷閥,而且不需要下游法蘭也可以在全壓力下用作管道終端。
Valves shall be lug or I.P.S. grooved body style manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP67;2"-12" rated at least 200 psi non-shock cold water working pressure, 14" and larger rated at 150psi. Body to have 2" extended neck for insulating and to be cast iron or ductile iron. Valve tohave aluminum bronze alloy disc with EPDM rubber seat and seals; or EPDM rubber encapsulated discwith polymer-coated body. Stem shall be 400 series stainless steel and shall not have exposedstem to disc fasteners. Sizes 2 1/2"-6" shall be lever operated with 10-position throttlingplate; sizes 8" and larger shall have gear operators. Lug-style and grooved style shall becapable for use as isolation valves and recommended by manufacturer or dead-end service at fullpressure without the need for downstream flanges.
GATE, GLOBE/ANGLE VALVES: 這些閥門工作壓力為125磅級,并按照美國閥門與管件制造商標準化協會MSS-SP70(閘閥)標準或MSS-SP85(截止閥/角閥)標準制造,法蘭連接,螺栓閥蓋,OS&Y,鑄鐵閥體,青銅閥內件,閥體和閥蓋材質符合美國材料試驗協會ASTM A 126級別B鑄鐵標準,填料和襯墊不含石棉。